20 September, 2006


I look out of the balcony and my gaze falls on the moon. It's enchanting, radiant, the kind of beauty that poets could wax eloquent about. There are faint traces of shimmery yellow all around it, lighting up the sky just a bit, for all those depressed lovers with broken hearts to be comforted. For all the little children dressed in rags, chasing make-shift toys to look up at and love. For me to sit in my balcony and ponder over it for hours together. For peace of mind, for serenity, for everything the rest of the world tries so hard to be, so hard to give, but fails miserably. For upliftement, to make me smile again. The world is a beautiful place. And there just might be a God.


Anonymous said...

Wow! very splendid picture.

Francis Thomas said...

um.thanks for the comment.

good girl.

u must have been a werewolf in ur previous life,maybe?

Anonymous said...

Hello, are you american or english?
I' m Italian, can you do this in italian?
Do you want look my blog.Its address(is this english?)is