22 July, 2007

Confusion, aiyo confusion.

I claim to be a pessimist, a goth, a cynic. I like to believe that there is no joy in the world, that everyone is merely putting up a wall of fake smiles and fake happiness to cloak their insecurites and true sorrow. But then again, I am the same idiot who goes giddy at the sight of a puppy and grins at the crazy sunshine.

What in the name of Hindi Hitler's front teeth is that all about?


Anonymous said...

you are exploring.it'll all flow.not to worry.

Rahul said...

deceiving yourself...thats what it is :) and face it, life is a contradiction. isn't death the ultimate goal of life?
i would like ramble, along with you, even tho it might be of any reference to any train of thought you might have ever had:

all around me, i see ignorance, apathy, triviality.
their tentacles engulfing, proboscis impregnating me,
creating a holy mess, turbid.
them, who lead such insignificant existence are ubiquitous, omnipresent.
i cannot see any other.
i do not know any other.
i am no other; yet, i deceive...