11 May, 2008

Putting together three digit combinations of numbers in no particular order with the TV remote, I've flipped past Kairali where Blessy molle is decked in a shiny blue shirt and fatally tight jeans, singing an ancient tamil song with a very bad accent ("Reja boo, jinneh reja boo"). Then, Vh1 where some sucker's ride is being- pardon the language- "Pimped" and Xzibit (Honestly, one thinks that with the money he must be making pimping various suckers' cars, he could put himself through kindergarten and learn to spell! But one is not blessed with such money and therefore one does not know that a "pimped out ride" is of higher value than primary grade education) is claiming that the said "ride" is "whacked out sh*t, dawwwg!!!". Proceed to Sun TV where sad woman with five inch- thick foundation in startling yellow saree has repeated the same dialogue thrice, turned her head thrice and blinked in slow motion thrice, thus putting the few uninterested members of the audience like yours truly under the impression that she is suffering from a mental ailment and NDTV where a news reporter with shiny hair is informing the rest of Singaara Chennai and I that we will be having the sort of day that Rexona very clearly profits from. Spoilt for choice, I continue channel surfing, through millions of dramedies and soap operas that only the very jobless of the jobless have the time, patience and nothing better to do, watch and finally reach Destination Disney- which, ironically enough, runs 24 * 7 courtesy my sister- only to see thin blonde boy and thin brunette girl dancing and singing on some weird-assed stage, apparently very happy with the state of things. Ooh look, blondie has a crush on dumbetta! And she is totally and completely unaware of it! Of course, this is the chick who posed nude for the camera of her own volition and then regretted having done so, claiming she had no idea some genius had put them up online for the Whole Wide World to see. So obviously, dumbetta isn't very tuned in on most things so she will be pardoned for not having noticed Blondie's lovestruck smile.
"It's hard to believe that I couldn't see that you were always right beside me", is the lyric to the song. Yes, Dumbetta darling, that means never prance around as if inebriated in your nuddy pants when nobody's around because some perv might just be lurking in a corner clicking photogwaphs!!
Ohmygoddygod, I might actually be watching the critically-acclaimed, highly controversial, Academy Award nominee for WTF film of the year, the High School Musical! And eew, my friends think Blondie is cute? I stay put for another ten minutes, trying very hard to see what exactly sent the world into a mad rage about this weird-assed musical with half-assed story.
So I see Ashley Tisdale, who is really very adorable, trying to be the bitchy prima donna of the drama club and not doing a very good job of it. I see a boy attached to a kickass afro bobbing up and down on cafeteria tables with what is supposed to be the rest of the high school populace following suit. I see Blondie and Dumbetta on the roof of their school, trying to get cosy and nearly fall asleep till Ashley Twitsdale shrieks in a pitch high enough to wake the dead.
WHAT, pray tell, is so ultramegatotally fabulous about this movie/musical/thing? There isn't even a cute male lead who makes it worth watching!! Gah, such a waste of a precious half hour that would have otherwise been spent watching ETV Marathi for kicks or The Bold and The Beautiful, again, for kicks. I remember Blessy and immediately revert to Kairali where more and more people are singing more and more tamil songs in out-of-place falsettos are making the world a better place to live in, one badly prenounzed werd at a taayum.
So, in the ultimate battle between Blondie and Blessy, Blessy wins, bejewelled hands down! In your face, anorexic Amrikaan peoples!!

P.S.- Job wanted for far from qualified, bored student with absolutely no experience whatsoever and no field of expertise.


Haphazard thoughts said...

Join the queue young lady..

There are people with even less expertise waiting here.


Good you atleast watch so many channels..Not restricted to sun music or mtv are you.

Cheers !

Sunshine said...

That's crazy!

Actually, you know, you are doing a better job than me... I get just enough time to watch Rakhi Sawant dance wearing virtually nothing and still says "Ooh look! I'm not hot enough,na ?"

Blessy is no match for her...lol

zeldan said...

zac efron can go to his death clutching his sorry behind.and his mousy girlfriend can keep their alien baby.

Anonymous said...

Efron is gay. In like the bad way. Also he is about 22 acting 16. There are some issues there. I sing better than hannah montana AND don't have buck teeth.
p.s. I watch kairali for the louwely myuzac too.

NJB said...

one senses you have far too much time on your hands.

The Efron kid has issues. But that doesnt stop my sister and half the female populace for going absolutely ga-ga about him. Oh noooo...

Methinks it has something to do with the non-threatening gay dude image.

Hari said...

Kairali? Tamil songs?
Never mind..

This is exactly why one shouldn't subscribe to so many channels and remain content with no set-top box.. :)

Meghana Naidu said...
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Meghana Naidu said...

i had to google to see who zac efron was *blink blink*
And then i thought, good for me ;)

a very interesting read, your blog is ;)

-a chance visitor